1Pack all the items in the original packing. Items bought as sets must be returned in sets.
2Fill in the return request form attached to the order.
3Attach a copy of the sales check, specify the method of refund (a postal order or a transfer to the bank account).
4Send the parcel to this address: 3993 Hanover Street, New York, NY 10016
5After you have sent the parcel, please inform us of that by sending an email to sales@example.com.
Eligibility of Items for Return or Exchange
Customers have the right to return any purchased items without defining the reason within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the moment of receiving those items from the Seller or the Seller's representatives. The items can be returned if their consumer properties, factory labels, and ready-for-sale condition are preserved.
To return the items, Customers must submit the copy of proof of purchase and fill in the return request form.
Rules on returning and exchanging Items with discovered defects:
Customers are entitled to notify the Seller of any discovered defects and demand to rectify them within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of the receiving the Items from the Seller or the Seller's representatives. The only exception are defects caused by improper handling of the Items by the Customer.
Customers have the right to refuse to take Items and ask for a money refund. In this case the Items must be returned to the Seller, and their consumer properties, factory labels, and ready-for-sale condition are preserved.
To return the Items, you must submit the copy of proof of purchase and fill in the return request form.
Our return and refund policy is described above. According to NYS law, stores are legally required to post their refund policy. If a store does not post any return policy, the law requires the store to accept returns within 30 days of purchase.
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